Precautions about Fuji FKC Installation

1) Ambient air conditions at the installation site
Please avoid installing this product in a corrosive environment. If it is used in a corrosive environment, it should be well ventilated and pay attention to avoid corrosive gas or liquid from immersing in the electrical conduit.
2) A reference to the installation location
All differential pressure transmitters have strict requirements on the installation position. When there are inclined installation requirements, it needs to be additionally put forward when ordering, or the zero point setting can be reset after installation.
3) Shock and vibration at the installation site
Intelligent differential pressure transmitters and pressure transmitters are designed to withstand certain shock and vibration at the factory. However, it should also be installed in a place with no or little vibration as much as possible.
4) Installation site temperature conditions
Please try to avoid installing the transmitter in a place where the ambient temperature changes greatly. If the installation location is directly exposed to heat radiation or exposed to the sun and rain, waterproof, heat insulation radiation and ventilation measures should be taken.